home organizing

Home organizing provides several advantages to promote healthy aging. With numerous advantages to having an organized home such as better mental clarity, reduced stress levels and risk of injury, why don’t you begin take back your space? The advantages could extend to quality of life now and in the future.

Home Organizing Tips For Your Senior Loved One

Experts at Brunswick Organizing Solutions said that the most excellent way to begin organizing is to assess your senior loved one’s situation and create a plan together. Check their house and look for potential problems. Is their garage, basement, or attic overstuffed? Are their pantry or kitchen cabinets filled with cans of food that are already expired?

Create a schedule or calendar.

Make a calendar that you can use specifically for monitoring your entertainment, appointment, engagement, and respite care concerning your loved ones. This will be very helpful. If you are a tech savvy person, you can use an electronic calendar. Going digital is beneficial because it’ll be easy to share appointment availability and information with other care team members.

Remove or fix any items or hazards stored on the stairs and floor.

It’s difficult to move as you become older. That’s why it’s crucial to get rid of items such as excess furniture, worn rugs, exposed cords, as well as other objects that hinder a clear moving path. Check each hallway and room for items such as wood floorboards, slippery throw rugs, loose carpets that stick up. The replace, remove, or repair these items to prevent risks of falling.

Keep your home open and bright.

Seniors need more natural light but they difficulty in getting it than younger people. Blue light is crucial for a person’s ability to keep a healthy bodily rhythm such as biorhythm or the circadian rhythms. Open up a room by decluttering and provide a lighter and brighter feel. Some professionals suggest hanging colourful artwork, using brighter bulbs, or opening the windows, blinds, and curtains so more natural light can come in.

Important items must be accessed easily.

Seniors find it difficult to climb stairs, crunch or bend down, and reach for an object. Be sure to place items in spaces that have been organized so they can be accessed easily, especially with medicines.

Keep documents in a secure locked space.

Keep records, paperwork, and information in a readily available and organized space. Doing so will help simplify and address daily tasks more efficiently. Health and legal documents, official records and other crucial financial records must be organized and stored in a secure place.

Arrange and store bills in a safe workspace.

When it comes to tracking payments, bills, and income, it’s better if financial information has been pulled together. Group similar items and sort quickly. Stacks could include unpaid and paid bills, documents, pension, brokerage, receipts, contracts, medical expenses, and Social Security statements.

Other simple ways to clear the space around the house of your senior loved one.

  • Label bins or baskets for mail.
  • Clear rarely used and outdated spices from the cabinet or spice rack.
  • Clear out the counter of appliances that you don’t use often.
  • Recycle old greeting cards, catalogs, and newspapers.


Call Brunswick Organizing Solutions now and let our team of professional organizers help you organize your senior loved one’s home.


Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Leland, NC 28451

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Shallotte, NC 28470

Brunswick Organizing Solutions
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577

Cities Served
Leland, Wilmington, Shallotte, North Myrtle Beach, Myrtle Beach, Southport, Bolivia, St. James, Oak Island, Ocean Isle Beach, Sunset Beach, Carolina Shores, Calabash, Castle Hayne, Burgaw – Brunswick and Horry County